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Hainan Steel News: Swell steel structure fire paint effect and carry out progress

Hits:1896 Time:2015-8-12

Hainan Steel News: Swell steel structure fire paint effect and carry out progress

Swell steel structure fire retardant coating effect is a common result of a chemical reaction occurs through organic coordination of the components. Hainan Steel flame retardant insulation principle mainly through the following ways:
(1) dehydration carbon catalyst such as ammonium polyphosphate and other heat generating acid differentiation;
(2) polyhydroxy charring agent such as pentaerythritol at high temperatures and acid-catalyzed dehydration differentiate into charcoal;
(3) the polymer matrix material is heated and melted foaming swell under the effect of a blowing agent such as melamine effect under further swell carbonized layer is formed.
Swell steel structure fire retardant paint in the case by the fire, its thickness rapidly swell to several times its original up to two times, honeycomb or sponge-like form of carbonaceous layers of fire retardant effect on steel can be summarized in three areas:
(1) barrier effect, highly swollen carbonized layer can be protected by a steel structure play a good air, heat isolation effect, thus effectively reducing the surface temperature of the steel structure, steel structure fire extended support time;
(2) an endothermic effect, softening the polymer coating, melting, charring physical change layer after swelling and heat differentiation of each component coating, evaporation and carbonization will absorb a lot of heat, thus effectively reducing the surface temperature of the steel structure ʱ??
(3) to stop burning, the components of the heat out of the paint differentiation can play all kinds of nonflammable gas diluted oxygen concentration effect, and can capture free radicals produced by combustion, thus effectively preventing the burning of conduct. Coordination effect of these three processes, eventually making steel structure fire retardant coating swell to play an effective fire protection.
Swell steel structure fire retardant coating carried out after all these years, has achieved some results, some of the goods has now started commercial production. However, the problems and deficiencies still exist, there are many needs to explore uncharted territory. Next Swell steel structure fire retardant coating will move to carry out the following aspects:
(1) progress in environmental stability, specifically, swollen steel structure fire retardant paint not only has a good fire performance, but also should have excellent environmental stability, its anti-chemical corrosion, anti-UV irradiation and other properties directly affect the life. Environmental stability and thus swell the current steel structure fire retardant coating can not be ignored research priorities;
(2) Environmental-friendly swell steel structure fire retardant paint, it will be a new selling point. Follow the progress of chemical toxicity fireproof paint itself the people's quality of life requirements, toxic products produced during the combustion of the Institute are important aspects in the future should be thinking; Hainan Steel
(3) progressive fire resistance, which is an important performance of all fire-resistant coating that has been pursued, swollen steel structure fireproof paint more progressive one minute fire resistance, protection of life and property of the people can count on, so that the progress of the fire resistance Always focus of the study;
(4) Nano modified swell steel structure fire retardant coating development, which is a modification of the recent rise in the direction of the coating, the inorganic functional nano-particles are dispersed in coating guess, paint fire performance for progress will be much better than with General inorganic nanoparticles, thereby obtaining a high-performance steel structure fire retardant coating swell.