Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd.

11 years experience in plant design and construction

Common choice of 1875 sets of steel structure buildings

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Construction and maintenance of steel structure

Hits:600 Time:2021-12-1

After the steel plant is installed, for the owners, can not privately change its structure, can not remove any bolts and other components, can not increase or reduce the partition, if you need to change what parts of the steel must be in consultation with the state, By the state of steel to determine whether it can change. Steel structure in the use of about 3 years after the need to use paint maintenance time, so as to give the building with aesthetics and security. Steel structure is connected to the steel structure components, so the use of electrical equipment, such as what the application of wire trunking line isolation, in order to avoid electric shock accident. Steel structure of the plant must be regularly cleaned and maintained, under normal circumstances, then need to check once a year maintenance.
Steel structure of the external wall cleaning need to pay attention not to chaos phenomenon, can not use the steel ball, brush and other polished cleaning products, with clean water should be washed from top to bottom. Steel structure plant branches, leaves and other similar objects should be promptly cleaned up, so as to avoid the backlog of unnecessary trouble. Steel structure of the metal plate surface damage if the timely repair to avoid sun and rain corrosion metal plate surface. If you need to use all the high elastic nano-materials, used to protect the metal roof panels, and play an effective role in the insulation, saving indoor air conditioning energy. The maintenance and maintenance of the steel structure plant has a great connection with the service life of the steel structure, so the owner should pay enough attention to it. Such as maintenance and maintenance in what problems encountered, and Shengbang steel structure, get help.